Stunning Fire Skinks For Sale - Captive Bred
Fire Skinks are a beautifully patterned skink species that are active during the day, and very fun to watch feeding.
They make a fantastic alternative to Blue-tongue skinks and Bearded Dragons, and Captive Bred individuals can become very friendly!
Photos taken March 2025
For sale in our Bracknell reptile shop
Age: CB, hatched 2024
Sex: Unsexed
Priced Individually
Handling: Will get used to their new owner with regular positive interactions
Suitability: Beginner
Average Adult Size: 14 to 15 inches
Average Lifespan: 15 years
Natural Habitat: Forests of Sub-Saharan Africa
Enclosure recommendations
Fire Skinks should be housed in 3 to 4ft long enclosures, with thermostatically controlled overhead heating and UV lighting. Their ideal basking temp is 32-24c, which should be measured with a digital thermometer or a heat gun for accuracy.
This is an active species, who should be provided with plenty of enclosure enrichment in the form of a deep soil-based substrate layer, cork branches, hides, caves and live/artificial plants. Ambient humidity should be 60 to 70%.
Fire Skinks are a beautifully patterned skink species that are active during the day, and very fun to watch feeding.
They make a fantastic alternative to Blue-tongue skinks and Bearded Dragons, and Captive Bred individuals can become very friendly!
Photos taken March 2025
For sale in our Bracknell reptile shop
Age: CB, hatched 2024
Sex: Unsexed
Priced Individually
Handling: Will get used to their new owner with regular positive interactions
Suitability: Beginner
Average Adult Size: 14 to 15 inches
Average Lifespan: 15 years
Natural Habitat: Forests of Sub-Saharan Africa
Enclosure recommendations
Fire Skinks should be housed in 3 to 4ft long enclosures, with thermostatically controlled overhead heating and UV lighting. Their ideal basking temp is 32-24c, which should be measured with a digital thermometer or a heat gun for accuracy.
This is an active species, who should be provided with plenty of enclosure enrichment in the form of a deep soil-based substrate layer, cork branches, hides, caves and live/artificial plants. Ambient humidity should be 60 to 70%.
Fire Skinks are a beautifully patterned skink species that are active during the day, and very fun to watch feeding.
They make a fantastic alternative to Blue-tongue skinks and Bearded Dragons, and Captive Bred individuals can become very friendly!
Photos taken March 2025
For sale in our Bracknell reptile shop
Age: CB, hatched 2024
Sex: Unsexed
Priced Individually
Handling: Will get used to their new owner with regular positive interactions
Suitability: Beginner
Average Adult Size: 14 to 15 inches
Average Lifespan: 15 years
Natural Habitat: Forests of Sub-Saharan Africa
Enclosure recommendations
Fire Skinks should be housed in 3 to 4ft long enclosures, with thermostatically controlled overhead heating and UV lighting. Their ideal basking temp is 32-24c, which should be measured with a digital thermometer or a heat gun for accuracy.
This is an active species, who should be provided with plenty of enclosure enrichment in the form of a deep soil-based substrate layer, cork branches, hides, caves and live/artificial plants. Ambient humidity should be 60 to 70%.