Baby Ornate Uromastyx For Sale - Vegetarian Lizard
Often considered one of the most colourful Uromastyx species available when adult, Ornate Uromastyx (Uromastyx ornata) are a great alternative to the commonly kept Bearded Dragon, but have the added benefit of being completely vegetarian!
Photos taken February 2025
For sale in our Bracknell reptile shop
Age: CB24, Baby
Sex: Probable Male
Medium-sized Uromastyx species
Average Lifespan: 15 to 20 years
Average Adult Size: Up to 14 inches
Handling: Tolerate handling, become friendly once used to their new owner
Diet: Reptile-safe vegetation, seeds and lentils
Suitability: Well-researched Beginners
Natural Habitat: Rocky, desert areas of the Middle East
Enclosure recommendations
Adults should be housed in at least a 4x2ft vivarium as the minimum size enclosure to allow for correct thermoregulation.
Uromastyx require a very hot basking temperature, which should be provided via thermostatically controlled overhead basking bulbs. High strength UV lighting is essential. Low humidity is also essential.
Full enclosure kits available.
Often considered one of the most colourful Uromastyx species available when adult, Ornate Uromastyx (Uromastyx ornata) are a great alternative to the commonly kept Bearded Dragon, but have the added benefit of being completely vegetarian!
Photos taken February 2025
For sale in our Bracknell reptile shop
Age: CB24, Baby
Sex: Probable Male
Medium-sized Uromastyx species
Average Lifespan: 15 to 20 years
Average Adult Size: Up to 14 inches
Handling: Tolerate handling, become friendly once used to their new owner
Diet: Reptile-safe vegetation, seeds and lentils
Suitability: Well-researched Beginners
Natural Habitat: Rocky, desert areas of the Middle East
Enclosure recommendations
Adults should be housed in at least a 4x2ft vivarium as the minimum size enclosure to allow for correct thermoregulation.
Uromastyx require a very hot basking temperature, which should be provided via thermostatically controlled overhead basking bulbs. High strength UV lighting is essential. Low humidity is also essential.
Full enclosure kits available.
Often considered one of the most colourful Uromastyx species available when adult, Ornate Uromastyx (Uromastyx ornata) are a great alternative to the commonly kept Bearded Dragon, but have the added benefit of being completely vegetarian!
Photos taken February 2025
For sale in our Bracknell reptile shop
Age: CB24, Baby
Sex: Probable Male
Medium-sized Uromastyx species
Average Lifespan: 15 to 20 years
Average Adult Size: Up to 14 inches
Handling: Tolerate handling, become friendly once used to their new owner
Diet: Reptile-safe vegetation, seeds and lentils
Suitability: Well-researched Beginners
Natural Habitat: Rocky, desert areas of the Middle East
Enclosure recommendations
Adults should be housed in at least a 4x2ft vivarium as the minimum size enclosure to allow for correct thermoregulation.
Uromastyx require a very hot basking temperature, which should be provided via thermostatically controlled overhead basking bulbs. High strength UV lighting is essential. Low humidity is also essential.
Full enclosure kits available.